Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The healing power of sewing!

I finally made time to do some sewing in the past couple of days.  It really helps with my depression when I sew.  I can't explain how or why but it keeps me sane, or mostly anyhow! I started by finishing up a UFO (un-finished object) for my son Aiden.  It was a pair of lounge pants in Christmas Thomas fabric from 2 years ago that I cut out. He found it and demanded I get right on that.  I didn't even think they would still fit after 2 years but with a narrow hem they fit him perfectly, as long as he doesn't all.  But he was happy and I was on a roll.  Next I used the v-neck Jalie pattern to make a new shirt for my Zumba class.  I didn't get a pic of the the shirt though.  I added extra length so when I raise my hands my belly doesn't hang out......I used the David and Goliath fabric "That's Queen Bitch to You"....Love it!  Then today I wanted to try out the new dies for metal snaps that I got for my snap press.  So I make a wallet using the TDK quilted wallet pattern available from sewing mamas for free.  I have made several of these in the past and they come together pretty quickly.  Well quickly today involved stopping frequently to deal with a sick child.  Strep throat has hit our household.  Then I had to pick up the one who is feeling better from the bus, followed by rescuing my hubby in town who locked his keys in the car.  Ok back to the wallet.  I used some scraps I had laying around for the outside and a fun bright fq for the lining and some of the pockets.  I free motion quilted the outside with my Elna machine, its in need of a tune up, but it was functional.  Did I happen to mention I love free motion quilting!  I am going to get the Singer 604 Touch and Sew that my hubby scored for me at an auction, set up to be my quilting machine. It has the lovely cabinet, so I have a large level surface and it stitches beautifully.  Pretty nice find for $7 which included the cabinet and a bazillion accessories.  Enjoy the pics:)



Inside.I think the pic just made this look crooked, it"s really not !

Back opened up.

Close up of stitching.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Free Pleated Stand Mixer Cover Pattern

This mixer cover pattern has meant a lot to me.  It inspired me and encouraged me to do more sewing and designing.  A while back while I still had my pattern on Etsy I was notified by a KitchenAid legal representative that I could not use their name or photos of my KitchenAid stand mixer in my listing.  I had sold less than 10 patterns..... I was in no way claiming the pattern to be KitchenAid brand.  Because this pattern is specifically designed to fit a KitchenAid stand mixer there really wasn't any way to re-word the pattern or listing so I removed the listings.  I have stewed and debated on what to do with this for months.  My conclusion is that I am going to share the pattern with everyone!  Because I am no longer selling the pattern I hope to avoid any more issues.  Please note that you can still sell items made from this pattern but you can't use the name KitchenAid or photos of the mixer itself in the listing.    

I have the file saved in my google documents, it is a pdf document.  Make sure before you print that you make sure "fit to page" is not checked.  If you have any trouble let me know and I will try and help. coveredbydesign at

You can also contact me if you want to share pics of your creations or say thanks:) You can email me or find my facebook page and add a photo there.