Monday, August 2, 2010

Couch to 5K Day 1

I have joined Jolene from NthnButMoonshine's couch to 5k challenge. I need to try something so here is my chance and surrounded by friends. I am hoping this will give me the motivation I need to feel and look better. I am not a runner and never have been even in my skinny days. But I am going to use this to at least get outside and make an effort. Today is my first day and I will post an update of how it goes. Thanks Jolene for such a fun challenge.

Day one completed. I did the reps between walking and jogging while putting up electric fencing, which has also been accomplished.  Blehh I am tired now.

1 comment:

Erinross Rn said...

You are gonna do awesome. When I was exercising a lot in college I actually got into jogging and I never thought I could do it. I'm proud of you!